Tailor-made eCommerce solution for LA based social enterprise
To simplify and streamline their operations, the client approached us to develop a custom e-commerce solution that would meet their specific business needs and provide an effortless ordering experience for their customers. We worked closely with the client to design a robust cloud-based system that digitized their processes and provided a user-friendly interface for both their staff and customers.

Project Overview
Food subscription platform reflecting a mission to bring affordable food to everyone
End-to-end eCommerce web and mobile application development and 3rd party service integrations (Vend, Ordergroove, Stax, Avalara, Klaviyo, Door Dash, Work Wave, GiftUp, Talon.One). The following services were provided:

Case Study
The Client products availability and pricing policy, production and delivery business rules are one of the kind. It was impossible to implement them using some commercially available eCommerce solutions.
General requirements were as follows:
- Omnichanel eCommerce end-to-end solution
- Web
- Mobile
- Self service
- Intuitive and modern user interface
- SEO optimized
- Dynamic marketing and site content
- Customers registration, authorization, and management
- Customers referral program
- Products list with filtering, regional pricing, and stock availability
- Product details with abundance of nutritional and suplemental information
- Cart
- Checkout with delivery, store pickup and on-demand delivery fulfillment options
- Self checkout for in-store purchases
- Guest checkout flow for one-time shoppers
- Payment processing with PCI DSS compliance and anti fraud processing
- Loyalty program with earning and redemption of loyalty points through all sale channels
- Backend Admin application for managing:
- Employees
- Catalogs (Products, Product variants, Categories ...)
- Customers
- Orders
- Subscriptions
- Production
- Delivery
- Email and sms notifications and marketing
- Neiboring systems integrations
- Square payments processor
- Vend POS application
- Klaviyo email and sms delivery platform
- Subscriptions management engine
- Doordash delivery sevice
- TalonOne promotional campaigns platform
- GiftUp gift cards processor
- MS Dynamics ERP
Based on requirements, microservices architecture is used for system design having 7 REST APIs and 20+ Azure functions for background tasks. We have applied message driven communication for internal services via Azure Service bus and REST endpoints for front-end apps. Azure API Management behind web application firewall is used as an edge server to expose all internal services endpoints in a reliable, performant and secure way. The entire system is cloud based, enabling seamless horizontal and vertical scaling, industry leading compliance and security practices, and smooth CI/CD.
Redis cache is used to improve performance of DB heavy operations.
For back-end, dotnet core (Net6) is used to develop APIs and Azure Functions. The database of choice is Azure SQL with Entity Framework Core code first approach. Each API is delivered with comprehensive Swagger documentation for easy integrations.
In-process and user authentication and authorization are built using Identity Server 4 implementation.
Next.js (React) was selected for front-facing applications to maximize the SEO performance alongside dynamic site content and modern application look and feel.
React Native was selected for building native, feature rich, mobile applications for IOS and Android.
Sanity headless CMS was selected to harness rich and blazing fast marketing and site content management.
CodeUp provided full, end-to-end service for complete, feature rich, omnichannel eCommerce system design, implementation, and integration.